Prof. Hyung-Soon Park

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Tel : +82-42-350-3038

Fax : 042-350-5038

  • Research Interest

Rehabilitating tools for upper and lower limbs, Robotic devices for therapeutic, assistive, and assessment, Soft exoskeleton, Brain imaging and brain machine interface, Virtual-reality systems for rehabilitation, Orthopedic biomechanics

  • Education
    • B.S. Precision Engineering & Mechatronics, KAIST
    • M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
    • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST(2004)
  • Professional Experience
    • Jan 2004~ Mar 2009: Research Associate/Research Scientist, Rehabilitation Institutes of Chicago, Chicago, IL
    • Oct 2005~ Mar 2009: Director of Engineering, Rehabtek LLC, Wilmette, IL
    • Apr 2009~ June 2013: Staff Scientist, Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
    • Research Assistant Professor at Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
  • Honors and Awards
    • 1994 Summa Cum Laude, KAIST Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea
    • 2005 NSF (National Science Foundation) ICRA -05 Award,
    • 2006 IEEE International conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain
    • 2007 NSF (National Science Foundation) STTR/SBIR Phase I, Grant Number 0539841
    • 2008 US Department of Education, NIDRR, SBIR Grant Number H133S070060
    • 2008 NSF STTR/SBIR Phase II, Grant Number 0750515
    • 2008 US Department of Education, NIDRR, Distinguished Fellowship, Grant Number H133F080021
    • 2008 US Department of Education, NIDRR, SBIR Phase II Grant Number H133S080076